Work M
Manages companies processes (systematizing those that are critical or very frequent)
and employees tasks (individual or group).

Manages companies processes (systematizing those that are critical or very frequent)
and employees tasks (individual or group).
Processes and Tasks Management
A Web application that manages the processes of a company/department and the employees tasks. Companies can define the tasks that must be done, by whom and when. This work organization can easily be redefined to continuously improve the business. It's a BPM, ACM and Task Management tool.
Systematizes the work, eliminating human error and controlling what is done. It reduces the need for training, while it makes collaboration easier and without conflict. The result is a more profitability company, with a better ability to achieve and maintain its operation both in routine circumstances and in hostile, overloaded or unexpected situations.
The key differentiating factors are the ability to join, in a single tool, the concept of deterministic processes and ad hoc processes and on the other hand, the fact that it's very easy to change the processes. With these features, it's applicability goes beyond the world of bureaucratic or industrial processes and enters the world of processes driven by knowledge workers.
Very easy to use, even without training or technical knowledge.
Build the start of your solution in a few hours and grow at your own speed.
Improve continuously, without worrying about past options.